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Why it is important to have them checked ?
The New Zealand fire service has attended a large number of electric blanket related fires every year. Some of these calls has resulted to total lost of property and in a few of cases - death, which is an avoidable disaster.
Some safety points your electric blankets.
An electric blanket should be kept flat or rolled up for storage and not folding as this can put undue stress on the element in the blanket.
You should regularly check your blanket is flat on the bed, under 5 years old, the cords are not twisted or showing wear. Always turn off before you go to bed.
During the colder seasons periodically, when changing the bed linen run the blanket on high for 15 minutes, turn it of and run your hand over the blanket, looking for hot spots.
If the blanket is over 5 years old or you have concerns, then please arrange to have it tested.
Why get MegaTest to inspect your blanket?
Some companies only do the very basic PAT/multi-meter, i.e., to AS/NZS3760, tests and in all honesty,
this is a waste of time and money as this equipment won’t fully test the blanket.
At MegaTest, our trained technicians do a full 3-point check on the blanket to ensure your safety.
Visual Inspection
AS/NZS 3760, insulation test
Thermographic Image inspection
By adding thermal imaging into this test procedure, our inspectors can visually identify hot spots
or breakages, to give you complete peace of mind.
Where can I get them tested?
Give us a call to arrange drop off as we operate from home.
For large venues like hostels, boarding houses, over 60’s villages or motels - we can arrange a visit to complete all the electric blankets at one time..
Can I get my blankets cleaned?
The simple answer is yes (depending on the type of blanket)
MegaTest has joined forces with Eastern Drycleaners here in Christchurch and Rolleston. You can drop your blanket into 1 of their 6 locations. They will clean your blankets and MegaTest will test them ready for the next cold night.
The electric blankets is inspected for any obvious physical damage to ensure safety as per:
Contact us to arrange an inspection today.